Chain Earrings

How to wear: Chain earrings

Ready to give your earparty an upgrade? Add some chain earrings! Chain earrings, or chain earrings, have been a must-have for your earparty collection for a while now. This trend is here to stay and chain earrings can also be found in our collections !

What are chain earrings?

Chain earrings are earrings with an ear stud, so you can easily close the earring. The front and back of the earring are connected by a chain (the chain). The chain earrings by Eline Rosina are made of 925 sterling silver or gold plated sterling silver . Are you team gold and do you prefer to wear gold chain earrings or do you finish your silver earparty with a cool silver chain earring? Are you looking for a chain necklace ? Then take a look at our chain necklaces on our website.

chain earrings

How to wear: chain earrings

You can wear the chain earrings in different ways. Go for the classic way and wear the chain earring on its own. Give your earparty some spice by combining the chain earrings with a cool Atelier Collection look. Chain earrings ensure that your look becomes an eye-catcher in one fell swoop. Want to be party proof? Yes dare devils, combine them with a cool pair of statement earrings ! In doubt which one to pick? We have listed our best seller chain earrings for you!
  1. Go classic! Go for the basic chain earrings such as the Single chain on hoops
  2. Go for some extra sparkle with the zirconia drop chain earrings
  3. Looking for something additional? The two chains earrings have an extra chain
Chain Earrings


In need of some inspiration? We've got you! Take a look at our Pinterest page, for daily inspiration! For gold, silver or rosé looks and from minimal to statement! Show us your looks! We are curious how you combine your chain earrings in your earparty. Share it on Instagram and tag @elinerosinajewelry and use #elinerosinajewelry, you might see yourself in our ''Spotted This Week''