Cleaning jewelry
Cleaning, we are personally not such a fan of it. Still, sometimes you can't avoid it. This also applies when it comes to cleaning jewelry. By occasionally polishing your jewelry, you keep it beautiful for longer. But what is the best way to clean your jewellery? And is there still a difference between cleaning silver jewelry and cleaning gold jewelry? We tell you all about it in this blog. Read along and get ready to shine!
Rub it in
Of course you want to enjoy your jewelery for as long as possible and to retain the radiant bling bling feeling of new jewellery. You do this, among other things, by polishing your jewelry. If you regularly (gently) polish your jewelery with a jewelery polishing cloth, you will go a long way.
Sometimes, however, your jewelry is ready for the harder work and you want to seriously clean your jewelry. Then just polishing is often not enough, but what is? Fortunately, there are plenty of 'grandmother's tips' for cleaning jewellery!
Cleaning silver jewelry
Silver jewelry can sometimes discolor and turn black over time. How do you clean this silver jewelry? An old but proven method is to clean silver jewelry with silver polish. Use the agent on a clean and soft cloth to make the silver beautiful again.
Some swear by cleaning silver jewelry with toothpaste. That's handy, because you don't have to store it specially. You can use your toothpaste instead of silver polish and clean your silver that way. Silver can also be gently rubbed with a toothbrush. You can also clean silver with baking soda by treating it with a paste of three parts baking soda and one part water. Apply with a dry cloth and wipe dry.
Do you have fragile jewelry that is difficult to really polish? For example, do you want to clean a silver chain that is a bit fragile? You can also clean silver jewelry in a bath of cola. Say what? Yes really, cola is your partner in crime in removing oxidation. Let your jewelry soak overnight in a bath of cola and then rinse it well under the tap and pat dry or let your jewelry dry.
Cleaning gold jewelry
You might not say it, but gold is a softer material than silver and can take a little less. To clean gold jewelry, you take on the role of a smooth operator and work gently. Fortunately, gold does not discolor that quickly and you don't have to clean your gold earrings or gold necklace as often.
But of course you want to keep the shine. And what adds more shine than dishwashing liquid? Right. You can clean your gold jewelry by placing it in a bowl of sparkling water and a few drops of dish soap. This loosens the dirt within a few minutes. Rinse your jewel under the tap and gently pat dry.
Cleaning gold plated jewelry
If you are going to clean gold plated jewelry, we advise you to be a little more careful. This jewelry may have already had a gold bath, but that does not mean that they love baths. It is best to clean gold plated jewelery with a soft and dry cloth. Do not use cleaning agents or water, as this can affect the plating.
Keeping jewelry clean
The cleaner you keep your jewelry, the less you have to polish your jewelry. We advise you to avoid contact with hairspray, perfume or cream. If you like to apply sunscreen from head to toe, it is best to do this without any jewelry on or on, and wait half an hour before putting your jewelry back on. Does your jewelry disColor? Skin contact can cause jewelry to oxidize and thus disColor. Read more about it and discover other tips to keep your jewelry beautiful in our article ' care for jewelry '
Cleaning jewelry
Attention makes everything more beautiful, that certainly also applies to your jewelry. Be careful with the aforementioned tips if you are going to clean jewelry that contains stones or pearls. Some pearls and gemstones are quite sensitive and need extra care. Do you have any questions about cleaning your jewelry? Feel free to contact us, it's our honor to make you shine!