Let's get personal! The launch of the Atelier Collection was the start for personalizing your jewelry at Eline Rosina. With this collection you can put together your custom made earparty through your own wishes. Guess what? With the arrival of the Mémoire Magique Spring 20, this collection has received a major upgrade with birthstone jewelry . The birthstones are available as a dangle for your Atlier hoops, but from now on also as a dangle for your personal birthstone necklace!
July Birthstone - Ruby Pink vibes. The stone of the month of July has a bright pink color, which stands for health, wisdom and love. August Birthstone - Peridot Peridot is the name of Augustus' birthstone. A bright, yellow color that positively influences the strength of the carrier of this stone. September Birthstone - Sapphire Loyalty and trust. That's what September Sapphire's gorgeous dark blue birthstone stands for. October Birthstone - Tourmaline The stone of October is Tourmaline, a pale pink birthstone. This birthstone is a symbol for peace and hope. November Birthstone - Citrine Citrine is the November birthstone. It is said to be a gift from the sun and is believed to be a healing gem. December Birthstone - Topaz Finally the month of December with the color Topaz. This birthstone has a unique blue color symbolizing courage. Show us your birthstone look! Tag @elinerosinajewelry and use #wearyourstory. Show us how you combine your birthstone jewelry from the Mémoire Magique collection in your looks.
Tell me more: birthstone jewelry
Birthstones are precious stones that represent a birth month, each with a unique and historical meaning. It is said that the gems bring good luck if you wear the gem of your birth month, or if you wear the gem of someone dear to you. Every month has a unique color that is used in shiny zirconia charms. With the birthstones you can choose from twelve of our beautiful zirconia colored dangles that are inspired by each month's birthstone. For example, the month of May has emerald-colored stones and July has ruby-colored cubic zirconia stones. And so on! A different color of zirconia stone for each month.
Personalized birthstone necklace
Customize & personalize! In addition to Mixing and Matching your earrings, it is now also possible to do this with your necklace. Put together your own birthstone necklace by choosing one of the 12 birthstone charms and attach it to one of the 5 basic chains . Do you want to complete your look? In the Mémoire Magique collection there are also new charm and initial dangles, view the lookbook for more inspiration on how you can combine these.Sum it up! Check out all stones
Every month has its own birthstone. What color is your birthstone? And what does this stone mean? They are listed below for you :) January Birthstone - Garnet January's birthstone is Granet, a deep red color. It is considered a great gift to symbolize friendship and trust. February Birthstone - Amethyst The February stone is called Amethyst, a purple birthstone. This is known to offer extra warmth and strength and the stone is also associated with peace, courage and stability. March Birthstone - Aquamarine The Aquamarine stone belongs to the month of March, a very light blue stone that tends to turn white. This stone stands for youth, health and hope. April Birthstone - Diamond April got a diamond! This birthstone is often associated with love, making it the perfect gift for your loved ones. May Birthstone - Emerald This month has a beautiful green color called: Emerald. Just like the month of April, this color represents love and is a real eye catcher because of the striking color! June Birthstone - Alexandrite June's birthstone is called Alexandrite, a white stone with a subtle lilac undertone. The color represents wisdom and balance.