Threaders complete your earparty
The threaders come in all sorts of shapes and sizes, all the way from now on. With a pull-through earring you always look on fleek and brighten up any outfit. What exactly are pull-through earrings and how do you wear and combine them? Read all about it!
Threaders: we're pulling it through!
Pull-through earrings are earrings with a chain and are also called pull-through earrings, chain earrings or threaders. It is impossible to imagine the modern street scene without them. Fortunately, because we love them! You can pull through earrings with a bar through the piercings in your ears and wear them in a way that suits you.
If you have several holes, you can also choose to 'thread creatively' with threaders. You can wear your pull-through earrings through one hole, through two holes or even three holes. Combining pull-through earrings with studs or rings is also very cool! It's your (ear)party and you thread how you want to!
Double trouble
Threader earrings come in many different designs. The main difference is in the number of threaders. You have the single threader consisting of – the name says it all – one threader. You also have the double threader variant that consists of two threaded earrings together.
Most pull-through earrings have a bar or bar on one side to insert the earring. A single threader often has two different ends. On the other side is a button or other eye-catcher. The bar is often worn at the back, so that the button, flower, ring, cross or whatever can shine at the front.
For every taste and for every look
The beauty of pull-through earrings is that you can literally and figuratively go in any direction. Whether you prefer silver pull-through earrings or gold pull-through earrings: a pull-through earring is always possible! You also have a difference in length. For example, you have pull-through earrings that are long, but short pull-through earrings are also a real feast for the ear. And for the eye of course!
A numbers game
Pull-through earrings work great as a single piece, but certainly also in a set. How you wear your threader is completely up to you. How many pull-through earrings you wear, of course. For example, you can go for one chain earring as a statement, but you can of course also choose to wear a pull-through earring in both ears. They may be two alike but they might as well be not. The choice is yours!
Threaders: unique like you
The most important thing is that you wear earrings that suit you. Those earrings that make you immediately think: yes! Love at first sight, you know. Our collection of pull through earrings is made to give you just that feeling. No instant yes feeling? Then be sure to look further and also check out our collection of single pieces . Here you will find unique earrings and also a single chain on hoops, just to name a few.
Pull-through earrings for everyone
At Eline Rosina we work daily to expand our collection. Surprising you with affordable luxury that really suits you is our starting point. We make all our designs ourselves from high-quality sterling silver or in a gold-plated variant. Did you know that you can design some items yourself?
Do you have questions about our pull-through earrings or our designs? Then do not hesitate to contact us. We are happy to help and will do everything to make you shine!